Bunbury Population 2022 Statistics

Bunbury is located in Western Australia city located 175km southwest of Perth. With a population of close to 80,000, it is the third-highest-populous city within Western Australia by population.

This figure includes the Greater Bunbury area, which provides for the surrounding urban centers, including Australind, Leschenault, Eaton, Gelorup, Dalyellup, and Stratham. Bunbury’s port is one of the most extensive regional facilities in Australia.

Based upon our research, the Bunbury population will be 89,766 in mid-June 2022. We calculate the end of June every year because the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) follows the Australian budgetary year when they push the figures.

This calculation is based upon the average growth rate of 2.85 percent over the past ten years starting from 2011. We believe that using the latest year’s figures (see our table in the following section) will help make the estimate more precise.

Population Growth of Bunbury

In the last ten years of the population growth in Bunbury, The growth rate has been steady and robust that ranging between 1.94 percent to 4.44 percent, adding 1,893 to 3,170 new people every year to the total population.

The main reason for this increase in population is that mining has remained strong throughout the decades. Mining generates lots of employment opportunities in Bunbury.

Another reason is the coastal city lifestyle that draws many younger people and retirees. This is more than the average for the nation’s population.

YearPopulationGrowth rate

Demographics of Bunbury

According to census data, 49 percent of the people living in Bunbury are males, and 51% are female. The average age in Bunbury is 41.

The top birth countries comprise Australia 59.6%, England 9.0 percent, New Zealand 3.5%, Italy 2.1%, and the Philippines 1.9 percent.

Other top languages spoken include: Italian (1.0%) Afrikaans (0.8 percent), Tagalog (0.3%), Filipino (0.3%) and Mandarin (0.2 0.2%).

The religious groups in Bunbury include No Religion 33.0%, Catholic 21.4%, Anglican 17.6 percent, not mentioned 11.0 percent, and Christian Nfd 2.9 percent. The study found that in Bunbury, Christianity was the most popular religion reported (58.8 percent).

Population Density of Bunbury

Bunbury densities are 339 people per square kilometer.

Occupations and Industries

According to the census, the top occupations of those who reside within Bunbury comprise Technicians or Trades workers 17.8 percent, Professionals 16.7 percent, Labourers 14.3 percent, Clerical and Administrative Workers 11.5 percent, and Community and Personal Service Workers 10.5 percent.

The primary industries that residents of Bunbury are employed in are 3.7 percent of them work at Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals).

Other significant employment sectors include Supermarket and Grocery Stores 3.3 percent Primary Education 3.0 percent, Secondary Education 2.5% and Takeaway Food Services 2.3%.

For working hours, 12.5% worked 1 to 15 hours, 10.1% worked 16 to 24 hours, and 41.3 percent of workers were employed for 40 or more hours.

Facts About Bunbury

  1. The Old Bunbury railway station served as the terminus to Australind, the Australind passenger train that ran between Perth the first passengers on November 24, 1947.
  2. In 2007, Bunbury was ranked as the city that grew fastest in Australia during 2005-2006, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  3. Mining and the mineral processing industry is the primary economic driver of Bunbury.
  4. Bunbury is well served by rail, road, and bus services. It is located just one and half hours from Perth, the capital city of the state of Perth.
  5. Bunbury’s size Bunbury is 222.5 square kilometers.
  6. Bunbury is among one of the few places in the world where it is possible to swim alongside dolphins.


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