Southeast Asian Countries 2022

Aside from Asia (which you may or may not be aware of), Africa (which includes Australia) is the second-largest continent after Asia (which includes Australia).

The continent of Asia is broken up into eight regions: West Asia, Northeast Asia, North Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle Asia, Southwest Asia, South Siberia, and East Asia (including the East Asian subcontinent). The Southeast Asian nations are the topic of this blog article, so let’s get started.

They make up an assortment of islands and peninsulas in southeast Asia that is home to a variety of hilly regions like Myanmar and flat areas like those near Thailand and Vietnam. Archipelagos and coral reef formations surround Southeast Asia’s outermost areas.

Southeast Asia’s mountainous areas result from a geographical mass that was once much larger but eventually split apart. To learn that a whole region’s defining trait can be traced back to shifting tectonic plates and exploding volcanoes over many, many years is fascinating to hear.

In the eastern section of India, Southeast Asia sits below China and to the north of the continent of Australia. Southeast Asia sits on two major fault lines that largely account for the region’s unusual landforms and high concentration of volcanoes.

As a result, the region of Southeast Asia experiences a large number of tsunamis each year.

Southeast Asia is still livable and deserves a visit, despite the weird ambiance, if you ever have the chance to do so. Since Southeast Asia is located close to the equator, the region is also noted for its very hot climate.

Southeast Asia is characterized by a tropical environment, with occasional downpours of rain, but most of the time, Southeast Asian nations bask in the sun and warmth.

Asia’s Southeast Region consists of Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Singapore as well as Malaysia and Indonesia as well as Cambodia and Laos as well as East Timor and Vietnam. The Philippines, Singapore, and Brunei may all be considered part of Burma.


According to the latest estimate of Thailand’s population, there are around 69,279,051 people in the nation. Thailand, with a population of this size, is ranked 12th on the list of the world’s twenty largest countries by population.

There are approximately 197,256 square miles in Thailand’s total area. With the population divided by the country’s entire area, Thailand has an average density of 351 persons per square mile.


Singapore has a total population of 5,850,808 people or about 0.08% of the world’s total population. Singapore has a population density of 21,712 people per square mile of land, making it the most densely populated city in the world.

Singapore is the 114th-largest nation in terms of population size compared to other countries.


The population of Malaysia is 32,360,988 people. Malaysia is the world’s 45th biggest nation, with a land area of 126,854 square miles. Malaysia has a population density of 256 persons per square mile of land.

This Southeast Asian nation is home to some of the world’s biggest plants. The plant in question may reach astounding heights and widths of three meters and two meters, respectively. They are enormous.


Despite its size, Indonesia has an enormous population. According to the United Nations, Indonesia is the fourth-largest nation in the world, with a population of more than 268,933,842.

The United States, China, and India are the three largest nations in the world, according to your understanding. The entire land area of Indonesia is 735,358 square miles.

That stated Indonesia’s population density is 55 persons per square mile, as shown by the population and the country’s overall territory.

Indonesia is home to approximately a quarter of the global population in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has around 15,000 islands, give or take a few.

Because not all of the fifteen thousand islands can support life, people don’t normally spread out throughout the archipelago. The Indonesian island of Java is home to the most population.


Currently, 16,431,046 people are living in Cambodia. Only roughly 36 Cambodians live in every square mile of the Southeast Asian country’s total size of 69,898 square miles.


As of 2019, an estimated 7,041,417 people are living in Laos. Laos has a population density of around 70 people per square mile, despite its vast size of 89,112 square miles. There is roughly 0.09 percent of the world’s total population residing inside Laos’ borders, despite being the 105th biggest nation.

Myanmar, or Burma

The current population of Myanmar is 54,230,060. Myanmar has the world’s twenty-sixth-largest population and reliance, based on population size. There are 215 persons per square mile in Myanmar, with a land area of 252,237 square miles and a population density of 214.

Also See: Scandinavian Countries 2022

Tea is a sacred beverage in Myanmar. If you believed England was the tea-lovers mecca, you haven’t met anybody from Myanmar or Burma. People in Burma prefer green and black teas above any other kind of tea.

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