Newcastle Population 2022 Statistics

Newcastle is one of the cities located in the northeast region of England with a population of over 300,000.

It is the city with the highest number of people living in northern England and is the 8th largest city across England. Newcastle is part of Tyneside city a metropolis.

This city belongs to the English Core Cities Group and is also part of the Euro cities network, which is a part of European cities.

The city was established by its founder, the Pons Aelius that settled in the region. Newcastle was named Newcastle Castle, which Robert Curthose built in the 1080s.

The 14th century was when Newcastle was a place to trade wool before it was transformed into the best areas to build and repair ships in the late 16th century.

One of the most renowned universities in England is the University of Newcastle and it is situated in the city.

Based on our findings, Newcastle’s population will be 324,291 as of the 1st July in 2022. We base our calculations on one day in July every year because the Office for National Statistics (ONS) usually publishes estimates of population statistics for the same time frame.

The calculation is based on an annual growth rate of 1.34 percent over the past 10 years starting from 2011. We believe that using the latest numbers from the previous years (see this table in the following section) will help make the estimate more precise.

Population Growth of Newcastle

If we look at the number of people living in the city over the last 10 years, the increase rate has been steady and strong and varies between 0.70 percent to 2.13 percent.

It means between 1,980 and 6,350 residents add to the city’s number of people living in the city each year.

YearPopulationGrowth rate        

 Demographics of Newcastle

The various ethnic groups living in Newcastle include White British (81.9 percent), Asian (7.3%) Other white (3.7 percent), Black (2.0%), Chinese (2.0%) Mixed race (1.6 percent) Other ethnic groups comprise 1.5 percent of the total population.

The most common dialect spoken of the city is known as Geordie. It is a dialect with a large number of words and words that aren’t common in other parts of the United Kingdom.

Geordie was developed by the Anglo-Saxon people who migrated into the region after they came under the Roman Imperial rule came to an end.

English is the main commonly spoken language in the city, however, other languages are that are spoken by the immigrants. Other languages are Chinese, French, Arabic, Irish, Polish, etc.

The majority of the people in Newcastle are Christians. The city has three cathedrals within the city. The cathedrals include Anglican St. Nicholas, Roman Catholic St. Mary, and Coptic Cathedral. Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, etc. are as well in the city.

Newcastle is home to a lot of people without jobs who are requesting welfare benefits. The number of these people is about 15.6 percent of the number of people who can work.

Population Density of Newcastle

Newcastle’s population density Newcastle is 2,605 people for each square km. Newcastle is a city that is dense compared to other towns and cities in the vicinity

The high density of the population can be linked to the large number of immigrants living in the city.

Facts About Newcastle

  1. The first art exhibit in the city took place in 1901. It was later named Laing Art Gallery.
  2. The city is known for its enthusiasm for football. The 4 thlargest soccer stadium in England is situated in Newcastle. The club football team of Newcastle has an interesting history within the premier league in England as well as Europe.
  3. Newcastle University is one of the most prestigious tertiary universities for research in the United States. It is home to many international students from all over the world.
  4. The city was transformed into a prominent coal mining region in the 14 th.century which was also an important civic center in the production of fleece.
  5. Newcastle was among the most prosperous cities in the nation in the 14th century. It was then changed into a region that had its own sheriff.


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