Fresno Population 2022 Statistics

Fresno is the capital city located in the state of California. The city has a population of 540,000 which is 1.3 percent of California’s population.

The city is situated close to the geographical Fresno is the biggest city that is inland in California. It is located close to the famous Yosemite National Park and Sequoia National Park.

It is ranked 5th by the population of Fresno and the 34th largest in the US.

Based on our findings, Fresno population will be 546,870 as of the 1st July in 2022. We base our calculations on one day in July every year because the US census bureaus typically publish estimates of the population for the same time frame.

The calculations are based on the average rate of growth of 0.80 percent over the last 10 years, starting in 2011. We believe that using the latest year’s figures (see this table in the following section) will make the calculation more precise.

Population Growth in Fresno

When looking back to the past ten years of Fresno’s populace The growth rate is slow but steady. It ranges between 0.68 percent to 1.06 percent, adding about 3,550-5,405 people every year to the total population.

Many workers moved to Fresno to avail jobs available which contributed to the growth in population. When compared to similar cities across California, Fresno’s growth rate is comparable to that of the average for California.

YearPopulationGrowth rate

Demographics of Fresno

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49.1 percent of the Fresno population is male, and 50.9 percent female. The average age of the average Fresno residents of 33.5 years old. 9.1 percent of its inhabitants are younger than 5 and just 8.9 percent of those aged 65 and over.

The distribution of race in Fresno is white (49.6 percent), Hispanic (46.9%), Asian (12.7%), Black (8.3%), American Indian (0.5 percent), Other(6.6%).

Fresno is a multi-cultural city. More than half Fresno residents five years old and older spoke English in their homes.

Five of the top languages (other than English) used in Fresno comprise Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Russian and Vietnamese.

In terms of wealth for residents, the median income of households within the town was $32,236, while the median family income was $35,892. Males had median earnings of $32,279 and $29,551 in females.

The average per capita income for this city is $15,010. Around 20.5 percent of households and 26.2 percent of the city’s inhabitants were living below the poverty level which included 36.5 percent of the population younger than 18 years old and 10.7 percent of those aged 65 and over.

Population Density of Fresno

There are 1,761 inhabitants per square kilometer. This is among the most urbanized city in America.

Facts about Fresno

  1. Fresno was first established as a train station for the Central Pacific Railroad in 1872 and became as the county seat for Fresno County in 1874.
  2. The name of the city refers to Spanish because of the oak trees that early explorers encountered in the region.
  3. Fresno is situated between two cities of great importance two cities namely San Francisco and Los Angeles.
  4. The industry of raisin was born in Fresno in a haphazard manner when grapes were mistakenly left to hang on to the grapes.
  5. The city is the home of one of the country’s biggest and most well-known blues festivals that draws thousands of people from around the world.
  6. The most renowned antique car exhibition, The Conours D’Elegance, takes place each year in spring on the University of California in Fresno’s campus.
  7. More than 100 diverse nationalities make up the population, making it among the largest melting pots in the United States.
  8. Fresno is home to more activities in the arts than other cities, including those that are twice as big as the city.


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