Countries with Flags that Look Alike 2022

Numerous icons readily identify a certain nation. The national flag is one such icon. Since there are frequently noticeable distinctions between the national flags of two different nations, it is usually straightforward to distinguish which flag symbolises which country.

However, sometimes you may come across flags that seem quite similar to one another, making it hard to distinguish which flag belongs to which nation. What we have here is a variety of flags that have visual similarities.

Similarities Exist Between the Flags of Romania and Chad

Countries with Flags that Look Alike 2022

The flag of Romania and the flag of Chad, a nation in Africa, are two examples of very different flags that still contain some striking similarities.

Both of these nations’ flags have alternating horizontal stripes of blue, yellow, and red. Both flags include vertical stripes of blue, then yellow, and lastly red, and the colours are in the same precise sequence.

These two flags, of course, have quite different histories. The modern Romanian flag is based on former flags with horizontal stripes, while the Chadian flag used to have a green stripe until it was changed to a blue one to avoid confusing it with Mali’s flag.

The primary distinction between the flags of Chad and Romania is in the variation in stripe coloration.

Similarities Between the Flags of Mali and Senegal

The flags of Mali and Senegal are two further examples of flags that are visually similar to one another. The flags of these two countries are very similar. They have the same striped pattern—green, yellow, and red—and the same striped pattern sequence.

On closer inspection, however, subtle variations in hue exist within the colour stripes, much as they do in the flags of Chad and Romania. The Senegalese flag is easily distinguished from the American one by the green star that occupies the middle of the yellow line, and thus the whole flag.

Australia and New Zealand Feature Similar Flags

Countries with Flags that Look Alike 2022

It is hardly unexpected that Australia and New Zealand’s flags look so similar, given that both nations were formerly British colonies. Both flags are based on the British Blue Ensign, which has a blue field and a white Union Jack in the fly’s upper hoist.

The flags of New Zealand and Australia are similar in that they both have a blue field with a Union Jack in the top left corner.

Each flag features the Southern Cross constellation, however, the Australian version has five white stars with seven points while the New Zealand version has four stars with five points that are red and white. The blues and reds of the flags are not the same tints, either.

Also See: Countries with Blue and White Flags 2022

Similarities Exist Between the Flags of Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and Ireland

Countries with Flags that Look Alike 2022

Although the similarities between the flags of New Zealand and Australia are easily explained, the reason for the similarities between the flags of Ireland and Cote d’Ivoire is more perplexing.

But the two flags do have certain similarities. Green, white, and orange stripes are seen on both the Irish flag and the flag of Cote d’Ivoire.

However, although the varying tones of the stripes are similar, there are several key distinctions. Left to right, the Irish flag has green and white stripes, followed by an orange one.

But from left to right, the flag of Cote d’Ivoire has orange, white, and green horizontal stripes. Even though the two flags are very identical, they represent two distinct countries.

Country2022 Population
Ivory Coast28160.5420
New Zealand5185.2880

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