Broken Hill Population 2022 Statistics 

Broken Hill is a regional city located in New South Wale. Broken Hill has an estimated more than 16,000 inhabitants.

The city is situated 1160 km to the west of Sydney and 511km north-east of Adelaide. It is located in the region that borders NSW as well as SA.

Based on our findings, the Broken Hill population is expected to reach 16,812 by the end of June 2022. We calculate the end of June every year because Australia Bureau Statistics ABS consistently adhere to Australia fiscal year, too they release the information.

This calculation is based upon the annual growth rate of -1.22 percent over the past ten years, starting in 2011. We believe that using the latest numbers from the previous years (see the table below in the next section) will make the calculation more precise.

Population Growth of Broken Hill

In the ten years of the growth in the population of Broken Hill, The rate of change isn’t very encouraging, dropping from –0.99 percent to -1.52 percent, ranging from 170-282 people per year to the total population.

Mainly, in the last two, the rate of growth has slowed. The reason is likely to be due to the end of the mining boom, and jobs aren’t present anymore. Therefore, people are moving to another city to find work.

YearPopulationGrowth rate
201119,151 n/a
201218,975 -0.92%
201318,773 -1.06%

Demographics of Broken Hill

According to the Australian census data, 91.4 percent of people within Broken Hill speak English only. The other top language spoken is 6.4 percent.

The language is spoken at home, not listed, 0.4% Italian, 0.4 percent Other, 0.2% Greek, 0.1% Australian Indigenous Languages, 0.1 percent Filipino, 0.1% Maltese, 0.1% Hindi, 0.1 0.1% Mandarin 88.3 percent of the people living in Broken Hill were born in Australia.

Other top answers for the country of birth were 1.0 0.6% England, 0.6% New Zealand, 0.3% Italy, 0.3% Philippines, 0.2 0.3% India, 0.2% Germany, 0.2% Scotland, 0.1 0.1% Malta, 0.1% Netherlands, 0.1% Sri Lanka, 0.1% Greece, 0.1 percent China , 0.1% Croatia, 0.1% South Africa.

Population Density of Broken Hill

Broken Hill’s population density Broken Hill is 0.34 people per square kilometer. This is one of the minor urban areas in New South Wales.

Occupations and Industries

The primary occupations of those who reside within Broken Hill are 15.7% Trades and technicians, 14.8% Professionals, 13.8% of community and personal services workers, 11.6 percent Clerical and administrative employees, 11.1% Labourers, 10.9 percent managers, 10.9% Machinery operators, and drivers 9.3 Sales employees, 1.9% Occupation inadequately defined/not stated.

The significant industries people in Broken Hill work in are 15.9 percent health Care and Social Assistance, 12.9 percent retail trading, 10.2% Mining, 9.7 percent Accommodation, and food service, 8.1% Education and training, 7.6% Public administration and safety, 5.6% Construction, 3.8 Transportation postal and warehousing 3.7 percent Other services.

Facts About Broken Hill

  1. Broken Hill’s postcode used for Broken Hill is 2880.
  2. Broken Hill is in the federal electorate of Farrer.
  3. Broken Hill has the same time zone used in South Australia and the Northern Territory.
  4. It is the longest-running mining city.
  5. Broken Hill’s huge orebody is one of the most significant silver-lead-zinc minerals globally. Deposits.
  6. Broken Hill has never had an ongoing water supply that can meet the town’s needs.
  7. The median/average age of Broken Hill residents Broken Hill is 43 years old.
  8. The population is composed of roughly 51.2 percent females and 48.8 percent males.


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