Phoenix Population 2022 Statistics

Phoenix is the most populous city in terms of population size in the State of Arizona with a population of 1.7 million.

It represents 23.2 percent of the state’s population. It is also ranked as the fifth most populous city in the US following New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.

It is the capital of the state of Arizona. It is also called “Valley of the Sun” as well as “The Valley”.

Based on our findings, Phoenix population will be 1.786 million by the first day of July 2022. We consider the 1st July as the first day of July each year because the US census bureaus typically publish the estimated population figures for the same time frame.

The calculations are based upon the average rate of growth of 1.83 percent over the last 10 years, starting in 2011. We believe that using the most recent numbers from the previous years (see the table below in the next section) will help make the estimate more precise.

Population Growth of Phoenix

If we look back on the last 10 years of the population growth in Phoenix, it is evident that the rate of growth is consistent and steady, with a range of 1.18 percent to 2.53 percent, which adds around 18,000 to 39,000 individuals each year to the total population.

Many workers moved to Phoenix to benefit from jobs available and this is a major reason for the increase in population.

When compared to similar cities across Arizona, Phoenix growth rate is comparable to what is the standard for the entire state.

YearPopulationGrowth rate

Demographics of Phenix

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population is roughly divided between women and men. 50.2 percent of Phoenix populace is male while 49.8 percent is female.

The average age of males is 31 and the average woman’s age of 33 which means that the average age of residents is 32. Around 10.9 percent of residents are over the age of 62.

The top five races for people living in Phoenix are:

White(65.9%),Black(6.5%),Asian(3.2%),Native(2.6%),two or more races(1.7%).

The five most popular languages (other than English) that are spoken within Phoenix comprise Spanish (30.6%), Asian (2.1%), and Indo-European (2.5 2.5 %) Other languages (1.4 percent). Spanish is the most popular non-English language due to the Latin American immigrant population.

The composition of the religions in Phoenix is as follows: 66% of the inhabitants in the city described as Christians as opposed to 26% who did not have a religious affiliation. According to the same study, various other faiths (including Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism) in total comprise approximately 7 percent of the people.

Population Density of Phenix

The population density of Phoenix of 3,119 inhabitants per square km making it one of the cities with the highest density of people in major cities in the US.

Facts about Phenix

  1. According to the legend, Phoenix gets its name from a Cambridge-educated the pioneer Darrell Duppa, who saw the prehistoric canals and ruins that were part of Hohokam and believed that another civilization could rise from the ashes.
  2. Over 22 million visitors are in the city of Phoenix every year.
  3. Greater Phoenix consistently ranks among the top cities across the country in the amount of Five Diamond and Four Diamond and Five Star and Four Star resorts.
  4. The city experienced a four percent increase in its population rate over a 40-year time span from the mid-1960s until the mid-2000s.
  5. Phoenix is considered to be home to one of the top cuisines in the United States.
  6. Phoenix is the center of culture for Phoenix, which is located in the Valley of the Sun, and the whole state of Arizona.
  7. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport named America’s Most Friendliest Airport is the principal airport serving Greater Phoenix. Greater Phoenix area.
  8. Greater Phoenix is home to more than 200 golf courses.


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