5 Things You Should Know About North America

North America is the world’s third-largest continent, stretching over 2,500 miles east to west and covering 9.54 million square kilometers (24.71 million square km).

Historians think people inhabited the Americas as long as 15,000 years ago, however, some evidence says it was 20,000 years ago. Regardless, there are some fascinating facts about Africa that many people may or may not be aware of.

Here are five facts about North America that you should know.

It’s Made Up Of Over 20 Countries

North America is made up of 23 countries: Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Greenland are just a few of the continent’s dependent territories.

With over 331 million people, the United States is the most populous country, while Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest, with over 53,000 people.

Its Oldest City Is In Mexico

Cholula, Mexico, is the largest and oldest city in North America. The city has been populated since the 2nd century BCE. Following the collapse of Tula in 1,000 CE, Toltec refugees are claimed to have created the city.

According to some beliefs, the city’s earliest settlers were descendants of one of the seven Aztec tribes. The Great Pyramid of Cholula is one of the city’s most popular attractions. It was dedicated to the deity Quetzalcoatl and is the world’s biggest human-made pyramid by volume.

It Has a Diverse Variety of Climates…

Only North America has all of the world’s major biomes: Arctic tundra, coniferous forest, forest, desert, and grassland. There are also mountains, rainforests, and deserts in North America.

Alaska, Canada, and most of Greenland are home to the Arctic tundra. Coniferous woods may be found south of the Arctic tundra, whereas deciduous forests can be found in milder climate zones.

The continent’s four major deserts are located further south: the Great Basin, the Sonoran, the Mojave, and the Chihuahuan. Prairies (also known as grasslands) are prevalent in hotter, drier regions.

The American Cordillera, a chain of mountains that runs from North America to South America, is formed by mountain ranges in the west. Tropical rainforests may be found in Central America while temperate rainforests can be found in the Pacific Northwest.

4. As Well As a Wide Range of Indigenous Cultures

Before the European invasion of the Americas, indigenous peoples lived all across the continent. Scholarly estimates of their pre-Columbian population range from roughly 1,000,000 to over 50,000,000.

Indigenous peoples are divided into two groups based on where they live: North American (Canada and the United States) and Middle American (Mexico and Central America) 

The Inuit, Cree, Huron, Algonquin, Ojibwa, Navajo, Cherokee, and Iroquois are just a few of the indigenous peoples who live in Canada and the United States.

The Aztecs ruled over a large part of Mexico. The Olmecs, Zapotecs, and Maya were among the indigenous civilizations that existed before the European conquest.

The Columbian Exchange Had a Major Impact On The Continent

Christopher Columbus is credited with bringing Europeans to the Americas. The Columbian Exchange, which brought people, cuisines, and animals from all over the world together, also brought illnesses with it.

The indigenous peoples of the “New World,” notably in the West Indies, were devastated by Columbus’ travels (present-day Caribbean). Many Indigenous people were enslaved and violently treated by him and his followers.

Disease, on the other hand, was the leading cause of death for Indigenous peoples, as they had no immunity to diseases like smallpox or measles. Historians estimate that 90 percent of all Indigenous people died as a result of interaction with Europeans.

North America is large, and so are its culture and variety. Traveling through its mountain ranges, jungles, and grasslands, as well as meeting its diverse population of people with diverse heritages, customs, and ways of life, will keep you fascinated for many years.

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