Nowra Population 2022 Statistics 

Nowra is located in New South Wales, located in the southwest region of 160 km from Sydney.

With more than 30,000 and counting, it’s the 17th most populous city in NSW. It is also ranked 39th biggest city in terms of population size in Australia.

Based on our findings, the Nowra population will be 34,330 by the close of June 2022. The end of June is the date we use every year because the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) always follows Australian annual financials when they push the information.

This calculation is based on an average growth rate of 1.90 percent over the last ten years starting from 2011. Using the latest year’s figures (see our table in the next section) will make the calculation more precise.

Population Growth of Nowra

In the ten years since the last census of the population of Nowra, the growth rate is steady and constant, with a range of 1.55 percent to 2.47 percent, adding between 471 to 692 new people every year to the total population.

When you compare the census of 2011 and 2016 figures, the growth rate is just 10.24 percent over the five-year time, growing by 2,865 people.

The main reason for the high population growth is that employment rates and birth rates are both high throughout the years. This growth is consistent with the development of the population in the nation.

YearPopulationGrowth rate

Demographics of Nowra

According to the most recent recensement, 49.4 percent of people living in Nowra are males, and 50.6 percent are female. The average age in Nowra is 39.

The top birth countries include: Australia 79.9%, England 3.8 percent, New Zealand 1.2%, Philippines 0.6%, India 0.5 0.5% and Scotland 0.4 0.4%. The top languages spoken at home are English 86 percent, Tagalog 0.3%, Mandarin 0.3 percent, Spanish 0.3%, Cantonese 0.2 0.2% and Italian 0.2 percent.

The religions in Nowra include No Religion as described 28.8 percent, Anglican 21.7%, Catholic 19.6 percent, not listed 11.8 percent along with Presbyterian as well as Reformed 3.8 percent. The report from Nowra, Christianity was the largest religious group in the overall message (64.2 percent).

Population Density of Nowra

Nowra, the population density is about 280 people per square km.

Occupations and Industries

According to census data, the most prevalent occupations for people who live within Nowra comprise Technicians and Trades Workers 17.1 percent, Community and Personal Service Workers 15.4 percent, professionals 15.3 percent, laborers 12.3 percent, and Sales workers 11.4 1.4%.

The primary industries that residents of Nowra are employed in are 7.0 percent of them working in Defence.

Other significant areas of work include Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals), 4.3 percent, Aged Care Residential Services, 4.2 percent, Other Social Assistance Services, 3.2 percent; along with supermarkets and Grocery Stores, 3.0 percent.

For working hours, 13.1% worked 1 to 15 hours, 11.1% worked 16 to 24 hours, and 37.1 percent spent 40 or more hours at work.

Facts About Nowra

  1. Of the families living in Nowra, 36.3% were couple families with children. 39.8 percent coupled with no children, and 22.3 percent were one-parent families.
  2. The name Nowra is a term initially used by Europeans as ‘nou-wood is an Aboriginal word meaning black cockatoo.
  3. The region surrounding Nowra is an agricultural community. Its main business is the dairy industry.
  4. One of the city’s most famous iconic landmarks can be found at Hanging Rock Lookout. It’s located 46.25 meters high above the Shoalhaven River and offers breathtaking views of the entire region.
  5. Before European colonization, Nowra was probably inhabited by the Dharawal Aborigines.
  6. Nowra is home to many local governments federal and state offices in the region, such as The Shoalhaven City Council and the Royal Australian Navy.


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